To: Public consumers - Prêt a Manger customers.
#StirCrazy: Pret a Manger: free plastic stirrers/stoppers - why?!

We want Pret a Manger (Starbucks and other chains), to stop offering free plastic stirrers/stoppers to us customers; they can be FSC-certified-sustainably-sourced wooden ones instead, or metal tea spoons, or.......nothing?!
If you don't stop it, Pret a Manger, then please tell us all why you provide them. It is needlessly costly to you, and to the planet.
If you don't stop it, Pret a Manger, then please tell us all why you provide them. It is needlessly costly to you, and to the planet.
Why is this important?
Plastic stirrers/stoppers are used for 4 seconds: they then last 4 centuries. There are alternatives available: metal tea spoons, bamboo, or sustainably-sourced wood, even. The plastic stirrer - this is the most absurd, damaging, pointless single-use plastic available - it should not be so. Don't offer them for free! You will save money, the world's environment and your reputation of being 'natural'. If we really want to potentially toxify our coffee or water with a stirrer, at least make us pay for the pleasure. C'mon - charge us!
How it will be delivered
Stage a press conference with Pret a Manger (when they have agreed to stop offering plastic stirrers/stoppers) Governments, NGOs and businesses: all signing up to the #StirCrazy slogan "Re-think your plastic - don't stir with it! We don't." and the #StirCrazy declaration "“We accept that there is no situation in which a plastic stirrer is necessary. We will ensure that they are no longer used in our business and will encourage our suppliers and customers to do likewise.“"