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To: British Airways

Stop British Airways from using plastic cups and cutlery on their flights

Be the first airline to ban plastic cups and cutlery on their flight replacing them with available compostable alternatives

Why is this important?

BA carried 45.2 million passengers in 2017 alone !
Most of these would have had drink on their flight. That is 45 million cups in a year, possibly more, and I don't even know how to start calculating the amount of plastic waste that comes from on board meals and flight bags.
This unnecessary and senseless plastic addiction must end, especially knowing that there are alternatives that are fully compostable ( much better than the biodegradable ones). We have all been offered drinks on board, just one fast drink and the cup stays around for centuries. Yes, they can argue they recycle them, but there is already enough plastic in the world and we need to stop adding more in it. This would be a great start !
#choosetorefuse #plasticfreedom
Image kindly produced by Tom Gallant



2018-06-11 13:14:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-06-10 22:43:30 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-06-10 11:51:12 +0100

10 signatures reached