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To: Croydon Council

Stop demolition of Forestdale Arms to build a Take Away Drive Thru

Croydon Council needs to refuse the planning permission application to demolish the Forestdale Arms to replace it with a Take Away Drive thru

Why is this important?

There are so many reasons to object to this but these are mine:

1. Traffic on the main road will be problematic as people queue for the Drive Thru. A good example of this is the establishment already operating in West Wickham where traffic congestion is a regular occurrence.

2. There looks to be insufficient parking on the plans. This will impact the surrounding area where parking is already at a premium. This includes the Forestdale centre which already needs parking management.

3. The impact on the area can only be detrimental. There will be increased noise, traffic congestion and of course litter. I also believe it will devalue the neighbouring properties.

4. Does Selsdon REALLY need another Fast food joint? There are already too many and this can only have a poor effect on health. Whatever happened to Croydon being a Heart town? In addition, the proximity to John Ruskin College and Forestdale Primary breaks the government guidelines regarding Fast food proximity to schools

5. Finally, this will result in the loss of the only pub on Forestdale. Aren't Croydon Council supposed to be committed to SAVING local pubs?

How it will be delivered

To the Council Planning Hearing.

Selsdon, South Croydon

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2018-01-28 17:18:27 +0000

100 signatures reached

2018-01-27 07:56:52 +0000

50 signatures reached

2018-01-26 20:10:48 +0000

25 signatures reached

2018-01-26 16:24:20 +0000

10 signatures reached