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To: [email protected]

Stop Developer Building Flats in Havering Back Garden

Planning Application Ref: P1986.16

Reject this planning application and make the developer put back trees along the park boundary that he destroyed in order to try and make his planning application look better.

Why is this important?

Hylands Park is a beautiful little park in Havering where people walk their dogs, children of all ages play tennis, football, basketball, local school pupils go there to say goodbye to their friends on the last day of term and where cricket is played during the summer months.

A developer has bought a house with a long garden that runs behind the cricket nets in the park. This garden used to be filled with thick, strong trees that were taller than my house (on the other side of this garden) and must have stood there for decades. These trees formed a boundary between the park and the housing estate behind it, as well as being part of the stunning backdrop of the park. When the developer tore them down it was as though someone had taken a knife and slashed holes in a beautiful painting. He now wants to compound the eyesore he has created by putting a block of flats in this garden.

If this development is allowed to go ahead, it would lead down a slippery road where more and more buildings are allowed to encroach on our green open spaces. This is an issue that affects everyone that cares about their local parks and communities.
London Borough of Havering

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2017-12-16 15:29:47 +0000

Forgot to say, all objections needs to be made by Friday 22nd December. It only takes 5 minutes to do your bit to help protect our park.


2017-12-16 11:44:18 +0000

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

The developer has once again entered a planning application that attacks the beauty of our local park. His last proposal was rejected due to the negative impact it would have had on the character and appearance of the surrounding area and we believe this proposal should be rejected for the same reason. To add your objection, please go to and enter the

Your continued support is greatly appreciated!

2017-10-09 20:46:31 +0100

We did it!!!

The appeal has been dismissed! To read the decision in full, go to, and type 3176485 in 'search for case'.

Thank you all so much for your support. It just goes to show what can be achieved when a community stands together!

2017-08-10 13:02:13 +0100

The developer (flats 28 Osborne Rd) has appealed against the decision to reject his application APP/B5480/W/17/3176485.

As a community we have done a fantastic job of working together to create a strong case to ensure his previous application was rejected and we must once again come together and show our passion to stop these flats being built. We have the full support of our local councillor and MP but the more of us who stand together on this, the better.

To object, please go to, click 'planning inspectorate'. Type 3176485 in 'search for case' then click 'make a representation'.

Please express your feelings. You can include facts such as the land is being over developed, increased traffic, pollution, not in keeping with surrounding properties and, very importantly, that there is insufficient room for a fire engine to access block 2 by the park(fireman verified).

All objections must be received by 16Aug.

2017-04-01 08:13:52 +0100

Application referred to Planning Committee
The following application will be considered by the Council's Regulatory Services Committee in the Town Hall, Main Road, Romford at 7.30pm on 6th April 2017.
Application Number: P1986.16
Location: 28 Osborne Road, HORNCHURCH,
Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two new buildings containing 7no. residential units.

If you can make it to help ensure the council is aware of the strength of feeling against this development that would be great.

2017-02-04 12:52:06 +0000

500 signatures reached

2017-01-24 12:35:58 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-01-23 23:27:19 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-01-23 14:19:38 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-01-23 07:42:54 +0000

10 signatures reached