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To: Councils

Stop Spraying Our Streets With Carcinogenic Chemicals

Stop spraying weedkillers - including glyphosate - all over our pavements and streets.

Why is this important?

Many independent studies have stated the many health risks associated with weedkiller sprays: ; ; ; .

Street spraying provides a massive risk to all pavement users, especially dogs and young children, and is also contributing to ever decreasing bee numbers.

Furthermore, it is undemocratic. Residents are not being advised of when or where spraying will take place and there is currently no option to opt out of having the area around your property sprayed with carcinogenic chemicals that have numerous health risks.


2016-05-05 07:19:27 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-25 13:13:48 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-22 17:17:45 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-21 17:36:56 +0100

10 signatures reached