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To: The Media - Guardian - BBC - SKY

Sending A Message To The UK Media [inc Guardian] Enough Lies - Enough Bias Try The Truth Try Facts

I propose a petition against the reporting of the UK media. This is for the huge bias shown against Corbyn, for the damage done to the UK via Brexit and the huge media bias for for that disaster. We need a free and truthful press, not one run by Oligarch's, or the middle class who ridicule us, the working class, while purporting to believe in equality and freedom, of unbiased media and truth, while getting their decent middle class salaries and reporting how heartbreaking there are so many poor people and foodbanks. ENOUGH. Its time our voice was heard and that the media was aware we know their bias, we know what they think of us and we will be heard.

Why is this important?

I am getting so fed up of reading rubbish every day about Corbyn, his supporters and how they are portrayed. Just like Brexit, the media are distorting the facts, giving lies and half-truths. Every article posted by the Media is like this, anti Corbyn, full of how wonderful the coup members are and how awful Corbyn supporters are. Always with NO EVIDENCE.

Please also NEVER FORGET the part the media played in Brexit:

Its projected that Corbyn will get large % of the vote for in leadership election. There is a reason for that, he is in touch with the people Labour is supposed to represent. Even after the LSE's scathing report, proving that all the mainstream media outlets in the UK are anti Corbyn to a level reaching propaganda standards, the crap articles keep on coming all exactly as described by the LSE with no proof. NOT one mainstream outlet reported on the LSE report, which in itself speaks volumes. I propose a petition against the reporting of the UK media.

There is poverty, there are huge problems. never more people in work? Never more people as slave labour working 2 or 3 jobs with no security [unlike the media's so called journalists] Corbyn wants to change this, wants to make Britain a fairer place this is why they hate his. PLEASE share this, spread it, let the media know we are sick of their lies, on Brexit, Corbyn and that we have HAD ENOUGH. Please sign and pass on. Shaun Wallace - Green - Labour Supporter.

How it will be delivered

Letter and Email




2016-07-31 13:14:10 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2016-07-25 10:51:07 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-07-24 14:46:35 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-07-23 17:38:09 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-07-23 14:32:01 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-07-23 13:35:33 +0100

10 signatures reached