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To: Council Leader, Castle Point Borough Council

Stop The Local Plan - Save Castle Point from Ruin

A great success story

Castle Point needs a fair, effective, sound and legal Local Plan and should have already had one in place for many years. What it does NOT need is the Local Plan that is currently under consideration. This Local Plan if passed and adopted will ruin Castle Point forever.

Here are just some of the failings in the Local Plan (This not an exhaustive list)

- NO proper public consultation was conducted for this Local Plan

- Widespread destruction of green belt by being developed with thousands of homes (upper limit on each proposed green belt site has now been removed)

- Loss of bio diversity and natural habitat and places for wildlife to live

- Removal of land/stables where horses can be kept

- Over populating Castle Point when it is already one of the most populated boroughs in Essex relative to its small land area. It does not deal properly with the fact that Castle Point has a static ageing population

-The Objectively Assessed Need number of homes is much too high and the planned amount of housing is much too high. The Borough is constrained by a lack of land supply which is a legitimate reason for a Local Plan to not meet the need (The Inspector confirmed this at Hearings June 2021)

- The existing over crowded road network can not sustain more traffic from the large scale housing planned

- Current healthcare is over stretched in Castle Point and properly staffed provision is not catered for in local plan for the massive increase in population

- The infrastructure can not cope with what is proposed in the Local Plan

- Castle Point MP Rebecca Harris says the Local Plan is unsound.

- Central government policy is to protect and enhance Green Belt not to destroy it with development as this Local Plan seeks to do on a vast scale.

Is there a better alternative to this current proposed Local Plan?

Yes there is! Every area needs homes for residents to live in and every area needs a Local Plan that allows for this and the appropriate infrastructure. Some areas like Castle Point are "constrained" by factors beyond their control. In the case of Castle Point it has a small area of space, it is already one of the densest populations in Essex, part of it's land area is in Island below sea level, it has a finite amount of road network which is already congested, it has over stretched healthcare and education so there are limits to how many more homes it can build and accommodate sensibly. It does have some brown field sites and could cope with a Local Plan but with homes being built but on a far lower scale. Another important factor is that the homes that are built meet the needs of Castle Point. The area has a virtually static and ageing population. There is a demand for affordable housing and accommodation for elderly people. These needs should be met by a sensible, sound and legal Local Plan that is focussed on the needs of existing residents instead of the ambitions of property developers.

Why is this important?

It is so important for people to stand up for the area for Castle Point. Sadly the leading group of councillors are acting against the interests of existing residents and the environment. If a stand is not made now things will go from bad to worse. Time is running out before Castle Point may be ruined forever.
Castle Point District, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2022-07-12 09:40:55 +0100

Petition is successful with 5,426 signatures

2022-06-17 09:10:09 +0100

Thank you to all who signed the petition and all the residents who have campaigned so hard to try and save castle Point from ruin. On Wed night 15 June 2022 The NEW Cpbc Unadopted Local Plan was WITHDRAWN with every councillor present voting to WITHDRAW the Local Plan and immediately commence work on a better one with lower housing numbers that meets the needs of residents.

2022-06-14 12:26:05 +0100

UPDATE - 10 June 2022 - On Friday 10th June Mr Copsey met with the Leader (Dave Blackwell) and Deputy Leader (Steven Cole) of Castle Point Borough Council to present a petition with 5,423 signatures requesting the Local Plan be stopped and replaced by a better one with lower housing numbers to be built on brownfield land NOT green belt. In March at a full council meeting the Local Plan was voted on and not a single councillor voted to ADOPT the Local Plan so the Local Plan exists in a kind of limbo state "Unadopted". Since the May elections, a new administration at the council has taken office made up of the independent parties CIIP and PIP. Those parties campaigned in the election on a platform of acting to save the green belt in Castle Point. The leaders seemed very receptive to the aims of the petition

2022-05-26 08:48:56 +0100

UPDATE - 26 May 2022 - There has been a local election and there is a new Council Leader, Dave Blackwell. There is cooperation between the 2 independent parties CIIP and PIP to run the council. The Local Plan remains UNADOPTED but still a huge threat to the Borough of Castle Point as officers have indicated it can still be used to support planning applications on GREEN BELT land allocated in the UNADOPTED Local Plan. This UNADOPTED Plan needs to be replaced with a better one if we are to save Castle Point from ruin.

2022-04-24 16:56:38 +0100

HUGE THANKS to the now over 5 0 0 0 people who have signed to try and save Castle Point from ruin.

2022-04-24 14:08:07 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2022-04-15 11:31:32 +0100

UPDATE - On the 23rd March the council members voted AGAINST adopting the Local Plan......HOWEVER they did NOT "Withdraw" the Local Plan and commence work on a new Plan. We desperately need work to start on a NEW Local Plan that is fair to the residents of Castle Point.

2021-08-28 12:42:16 +0100

HUGE THANKS to the now over 4 0 0 0 people who have signed to try and save Castle Point from ruin.

2021-07-21 10:13:14 +0100

MASSIVE THANKS to all those who have signed the petition. We every passing day more people are becoming aware of the council's Local plan to ruin Castle Point with vast overdevelopment.

2021-07-02 08:43:42 +0100

HUGE THANKS to all those people who have signed so far. As residents let's keep trying to stand up for our community of Castle Point ...CANVEY, BENFLEET, THUNDERSLEY, HADLEIGH, DAWS HEATH and all the places in our location of Castle Point should be saved from ruination.

2021-06-30 14:58:49 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2021-06-29 21:32:42 +0100

500 signatures reached

2021-06-28 20:45:15 +0100

100 signatures reached

2021-06-28 18:54:23 +0100

50 signatures reached

2021-06-28 18:25:42 +0100

25 signatures reached