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To: Planning Officer and Camden Council

Stop the loss of a vibrant, inclusive community resource at 96-98 Shoot up Hill, NW2

Dear planning officer and councillors

I am asking Camden Council to cancel Planning Application 2016/0697/P and keep 96-98 Shoot up Hill as a community facility and not change the planning use to residential. Such change ignores the local Neighbourhood Development Plan which was passed at a referendum in July 2015. Furthermore, it would impact on the value of the property which would make it harder for People's Centre to eventually buy and continue to develop it as a much needed community resource for people with disabilities and the wider neighbourhood.

The Design and Access statement fails to mention People's Centre for Change, a not for profit voluntary organisation also using the building, or to consider the impact of such a change on its membership and activities, current and future.

The Design and Access statement also states that the current day centre provision will be re-provided in a Greenwood Place. I believe that the provision in the new centre will not be sufficient to support the current and growing numbers of people with high support needs and that it fails to properly assess the impact the lack of day centre/opportunities on this group, and that Camden fails its duties under the Care Act to provide for choice, market development and inclusion.

Why is this important?

PEOPLE SAID "a community resource not luxury flats": after a petition, an Independent Inquiry and a local referendum (July 2015) 96-98 Shoot up Hill was listed as one of the community facilities to be protected from any change, in the Fortune Green and West Hampstead Neighbourhood Development Plan. Both occupiers: the current day centre and People's Centre who run projects after day centre hours and weekends are recognised as communities (alive, developing and growing). But now the council is looking to reverse this decision changing the use to residential, in order to eventually sell it on the open market.

THE IMPACT OF DAY CENTRE CLOSURES: The council wanted to close the day centre at Shoot up Hill in 2012. Day centre closures leave many people with learning disabilities even more isolated, stuck at home, without meaningful occupation, friendships lost, ever more dependent on their family carers. (see Mencap report “Stuck at Home”).

PERSONALISED (choice) BUT NOT ATOMISED (excluded): the council justified the closures saying that people wanted other choices than day centres and they should go out and about in the mainstream, using their personal budgets. Many people with learning disabilities are ready to embrace the changes in social care and to take control of their individual lifestyles using personal budgets to make choices. But the “community out there” does not yet provide the environments, activities and social opportunities they need and deserve and which give them a sense of belonging. Some people also need the continuity and familiarity of a vibrant and inclusive community where they they are understood, fully accepted and welcomed and can choose from adapted and suitably challenging activities, and develop relationships with all sorts of people.

PEOPLE'S CENTRE = AN ALTERNATIVE: a group of family carers campaigned against the closure and in April 2012 the council agreed to delay the closure and give them time to develop their proposals and raise money to buy the building. People's Centre was then set up as a not for profit organisation to fill in a gap in provision and offer an alternative to a traditional day centre, taking advantage of personalisation: excellent individually tailored choices of activities, social and employment opportunities and support to people with a wide range of learning disabilities in a friendly, INCLUSIVE environment as well as new opportunities for the wider neighbourhood; modelling successful inclusion and supporting people to access other community venues.

NOT BACK TO INSTITUTIONS!: the council recognises the need for “building based” services but want to build a single, purpose built, large institutional facility (Greenwood Place) grouping people with all manner of impairments in discrete units: learning disabilities, mental health, dementia, autism, multiple and profound learning disabilities. People will be segregated according to what they cannot do, as well as set apart from the neighbourhood (in a back street, semi industrial area). Moreover Greenwood Place also lacks capacity to provide facilities for the current and growing numbers of people with high support needs.

SMALL SCALE, INCLUSIVE, COMMUNITY RESOURCES, INSTEAD: People's Centre is developing a friendly and welcoming community place where people of all abilities and backgrounds complement each other, can get the support they need and engage in meaningful activities as well as go out to other places. We will model good practice.

BUILDINGS AT 96-98 Shoot up Hill ARE IDEAL: two semi detached houses which front a main road, look just like the neighbouring houses and allow for flexible use. They been adapted with accessible lift, WC facilities, changing room etc. There are no equivalent premises in the area and the cost of providing such facilities in another building will be prohibitive as well as wasteful.

WHAT WE ARE DOING NOW, outside day centre hours and weekends:
- Weekly creative, social and therapeutic sessions for adults and young people with learning disabilities supported by volunteers, family and support workers. Open to everyone in the neighbourhood. Cafe with freshly cooked delicious food.
- a “Unique Products” enterprise where people with and without disabilities work together.
- weekly sessions and special events for unpaid carers in Camden
- Saturday Stay and Play for families with children with disabilities, siblings and friends.
- (soon) Weekend specialist yoga to families with a member with disabilities.
- Open Days, Special Concerts, Carers Week Day and Community Festivals bringing together people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to make music, art and enjoy life.

VOLUNTEERS: from all backgrounds and abilities help make it happen

FUNDING: we have received funding from Co-op, National Lottery, School of Social Entrepreneurs, Comic Relief, Camden Carers Service, SIBS, a local Hampstead Trust, Baily Thomas and individuals.

SUSTAINABILITY: our business case demonstrates that we can be a sustainable enterprise, taking advantage of the changes in adult social care which give people with support needs the means to decide on the services they want and combining this with provision of opportunities for the wider community and small businesses. We are continuing to develop the service offer and detailed business plan.

CAPITAL FUNDING: People's Centre are working to raise capital to buy the building and keep it for the local community. This won't be possible if the building goes up for sale in the open market as a residential property.

SUPPORT PEOPLE'S CENTRE PETITION and the opportunity to continue providing support for people with severe learning disabilities, their families and carers and creating an inclusive community resource for local people.

We need 100s of signatures
[email protected]

How it will be delivered

email the signatures

UK, London

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2016-03-18 17:37:19 +0000

500 signatures reached

2016-03-03 21:37:30 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-03-03 14:40:54 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-03-03 13:49:04 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-03-03 13:22:56 +0000

10 signatures reached