1,000 signatures reached
To: Michael Gove
Stop the proposed £50 a kill badger cull.

Please reconsider the proposed expansion of badger culls to low risk areas and the £50 reward per kill.
Why is this important?
Badgers are a key species in our British ecosystem and one of the most recognisable and best loved mammals in the English countryside. Native to this land, they have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. More recent intensive farming practices have placed enormous pressure on local wildlife, including badgers who are consistently solely blamed for the spread of bovine TB. Offering a bounty for the culling of these animals, infected or not, will have a massive impact on their numbers and put at even greater risk the fragile balance of our environment. A scientific study from 2010 suggests that "badger culling is unlikely to contribute effectively to the control of cattle TB in Britain".