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To: Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

Superfast Broadband

Please investigate the management of the BDUK funding by Nottinghamshire County Council. Answers to public questions indicate that they have no visibility or control of the contract with BT and are therefore failing the rural communities who are at most need.

Why is this important?

Fiskerton-cum-Morton has been left out of the NCC broadband programme despite significant local demand and a real need for decent connectivity for the farmers, local businesses, families and school children who live and work in the village.

We have forced BT to review their designs and they have confirmed they have a technical solution.
We have challenged NCC on their programme and they have confirmed that our scheme compares will with other locations that have already been upgraded under the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire programme.

However neither BT nor NCC are willing (or even apparently interested) in confirming when, or if, we will be upgraded - either with the underspend in the existing BT contract or within the next round of funding.

Fiskerton cum Morton, Newark and Sherwood District

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2019-02-17 18:44:18 +0000

10 signatures reached