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To: Cllr Chris Robbins, Leader, London Borough of Waltham Forest

Support the Council's plan to build new homes on Leyton marshes

We call on the London Borough of Waltham Forest to push through plans to rezone part of Leyton marshes for development.

Why is this important?

We love and support the ambitions of working people to own their own home. The Lower Lea Valley marshes (Leyton marshes, Walthamstow marshes and Hackney marshes) are an amazing, open space on our doorstep, a place to use in a sustainable way to provide much-needed new land to build homes in one of the most densely populated cities in the world. We want to make sure the marshes are sensibly used to help tackle the ever-larger inequality of wealth in London so that future generations are not worse off than those that went before.

This is why we are devastated to learn that a group of self-interested NIMBYS are campaigning to prevent the sensible proposals for Lea Valley Eastside (, to rezone a portion of the open space around The WaterWorks Centre for housing. This land is Metropolitan Open Land, which means it should be used to provide for appropriate development. If these plans are not approved, then the spectre of crippling poverty caused by massive imbalances between housing supply and demand will be felt even more keenly by those in the local area.

We must tell the Council - loud and clear - that we will support building on the marshes.
Leyton Marshes

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2017-09-18 13:00:16 +0100

10 signatures reached