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To: Muirfield Golf Club

Muirfield Golf Club: tee'd off

We won!

It's just been announced: "Founded in 1744, Muirfield golf club will finally allow female members with immediate effect."

Let female golfers become members of your club.

Why is this important?

It's 98 years since (some) women were allowed to vote in Britain, and 214 years since A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was published. Muirfield Golf Club needs to get up-to-date. Treating all human beings as equal is a mark of civilisation.



6 years ago

Petition is successful with 1,655 signatures

7 years ago

Petition is successful with 1,655 signatures

8 years ago

Petition is successful with 1,654 signatures

8 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

8 years ago

500 signatures reached

8 years ago

100 signatures reached

8 years ago

50 signatures reached

8 years ago

25 signatures reached

8 years ago

10 signatures reached