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To: The UK Parliament

The UK Parliament: Assess and Discuss critical information regarding Syrian catastrophe.

The UK Parliament: Assess and Discuss critical information regarding Syrian catastrophe.

The Syrian armed insurrection, fuelled by Islamic mercenary terrorists, and the Syrian Government's response, has killed hundreds of thousands, and displaced more hundreds of thousands, but the Western response is based on lies, pure and simple.
Here are some facts which need to be discussed in the UK Parliament without delay:
4* General (retired) Wesley Clark, ex-Supreme Allied Commander Europe, is on record as saying in he was told in 2001 that the US was going to overthrow seven governments in five years - Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”
Ex-French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas is on record as saying that when he visited London in 2009, he was approached by high British officials whom he knew from his time as French Foreign Minister and told Britain was going to overthrow Assad with the use of mercenaries.
This information has never been discussed in Parliament, or in the MSM, and puts a completely different complexion on the 'Demonisation of Assad', and the crocodile tear 'humanitarian' baloney so blatantly used to drum up support for yet another 'Regime Change' intervention.

Why is this important?

Because the extreme bloodshed and destruction in and of Syria is a War Crime foisted on them by the West and their Middle East 'Allies', and just like Iraq and Libya, it is a 'Regime Change' plot based on lies. The creation, arming, paying and transport to Syria of terrorist mercenary interventionist groups is the worst crime of all, a 'Crime Against Peace', which also enshrines War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.



2016-10-08 17:38:50 +0100

10 signatures reached