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To: Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook Should Give Their £3.5 Million to The Shepherd Family

Update May 2015: After huge public pressure, Thomas Cook have now apologised to the family of the two children who died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Although they're not giving the rest of the money to the family, they've said they'll donate £1.5 million to Unicef:

Donate the £3.5 million Thomas Cook received in damages from the court decision to the family of the children who were killed. This family received only a fraction of this in compensation. Not right.

Why is this important?

Is is right that Thomas Cook receives £3. 5 million pounds from the hotel where Christi and Bobby Shepherd died… While the parents who could have also died along with their children only receive a fraction of that money in compensation for their children's deaths? Thomas Cook is a multi-national company with gross sales in the billions of pounds in 2014. We think Thomas Cook should do the decent thing and give the money to the Shepherd family.
No amount of money can make up for the loss of two children.. But the people who suffered the biggest loss should receive the largest share.
Thomas Cook, give that money to the Shepherd family now. Do the right thing.


2015-05-21 14:53:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-19 09:54:34 +0100

10 signatures reached