To: Refugees

U.K. fails to keep its promise

I want the matter to be taken to parliament and for the UK to rethink about this decision for which they had promised 3000 refugees from Syria to be allowed to enter into the Uk.

Why is this important?

This is an important matter because it effects the lives of so many young children. Every child deserve the right to a childhood, unfortunately many children from a war zone country like Syria are having this right snatched away from them. Many countries are opening their arms to refugees, and the U.K. should definitely participate purely for the purpose of an act of humanity. Please sign this petition and do share with your friends and families. If they were our children we sure would want the best for them. Let's make the UK the accepting tolerant country it once was.

Her recent meeting with Donald Trump has influenced her with this decision, she has also failed to speak against the Muslim ban, despite her being the Prime Minkster of many Muslims. Many people have spoken against this. It just goes to show how the corrupt Donald Trump is beginning to have an impact onto the rest of the world. Not so long ago, there was a meeting held in parliament, for which they were discussing the matter of sending some aid in Syria, the members of parliament who were present that day was truly appalling, not to mention Theresa not even being bothered to show up. Being a British Muslim, and a daughter of two immigrant parents I have always been so proud of how Britian has given a hand out to people desperately seeking for help.Living in a country like this has meant I show pride in my nationality, however with the recent events, I am beginning to question this. Please don't let this country go down. Sign this petition today, and allow refugees to be welcomed in this country.


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