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To: supermarkets

Use Paper Bags Instead of Plastic Bags

To provide paper bags for fruit and veg items instead of plastic bags

Why is this important?

Looking at research on this topic we discovered that 150 million small plastic bags are being used in the UK every year in supermarkets. We believe that if supermarkets provided paper bags for fruit and veg this would dramatically reduce plastic waste, hence improving the environment including our oceans. We as teenagers are passionate to do something about this issue and to look after the planet we will be living on, in the future.



2018-11-26 07:48:18 +0000

10 signatures reached

2018-11-22 13:52:10 +0000

Currently, at the moment we are lobbying our local decision makers such as head quarters and local store managers to see if our local supermarkets will cooperate with this change from plastic to paper bags for loose fruit and vegetables.