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To: The BBC

Use the word Daesh not Isis or So Called Islamic State

When producing articles about the group that calls themselves an Islamic State, use the word Daesh instead to acknowledge that their links to Islam are tentative at best. The BBC has been struggling with terminology for some time but appears to have rejected the term Daesh which seems entirely odd given that many muslims around the world find the use of the word "Islamic" in that context offensive.

Why is this important?

I would like the BBC to acknowledge the power of words to unify or divide. Most members of the public are now familiar with the term Daesh and know that it is the same as Isis but it does not acknowledge any link to correct Islamic practice. At a time when Daesh is using propaganda to drive a wedge between Muslims and Non-Muslims, the BBC has to be aware of the affects of the choices of its words and unfortunately there is no neutral word in this circumstance.


2015-12-18 10:53:26 +0000

10 signatures reached

2015-11-25 19:52:00 +0000

Even Defence Secretary Michael Fallon agrees.