To: The government

Vote using an app. Give us more information and influence

The idea is simple, upgrade from the current outdated voting system.

We are to create an official government app maintained by an independent body, with live government issues and debates. Full unbiased information will be provided with the option for every individual to vote on their preferred outcome, so that our government can then make an educated decision and ultimately provide a solution that the majority of the country are happy with.

Security risk protection is not yet to standard for online voting on large decisions such as the next general election. However the system is safe enough to vote on a smaller level with the ultimate decision being made in parliament, influenced by tith the votes.

This will also be the base to grow the app and develop security to the point where it is safe to vote for larger issues in the future. We need to start the development of this now.

Key features
* Full, live, unbiased, clear and to the point information
* Live voting system with live results
* An easy to navigate application with category segregations so it's easy for every individual to get involved in whatever subject is important to them.
* An option to share specific issues on social media
* Party information including their policies and future plans

Why is this important?

* a more realistic reflection of the countries opinions
* A more modern approach to voting, making it easier and quicker for people to do so.
* A faster way to count votes with a more accurate result
* People will feel like they have more influence and control over the political issues in our country
* Easier for people to get involved with issues that they are particularly passionate about
* People will have a more educated approach to voting as full information will be provided before voting.
* Younger people will engage with their government and politics more.
* Easier for over seas and military voters

"Petitioning, a practice from medieval times, was used by the working class in the 19th century to demand the vote in their millions; yet the government of the time was quick to reject the multiple petitions they presented.

The Speaker, John Bercow, promised that the internet would change all this. Indeed the public appetite for petitions has not abated. When the government launched its own e-petitions site two years ago, the volume of traffic caused it to crash on its first day. E-petitions can and do work. Remember when Malalai Joya was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize or when BBC 6 Music was saved from closure? How about when campaigners won a fight to keep a woman on our banknotes? These campaigns owe their success to the rise of digital platforms such as change.organd 38 Degrees." -

Let us once again petition to change the way that the UK public vote and influence politics, using the power of online petitioning, to ultimately create the equivalent power of online politics and voting.

Sign up now and be a part of the modern political movement!