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To: The UK. Government.

I want all MP'S to work for a week in their local A&E department.

I want every MP in the United Kingdom House of Commons to spend a FULL WORKING WEEK (Monday to Friday working a full shift) in their local A&E unit. Without any special treatment or privilege.

Why is this important?

I think the only way to bring home the implications of financial restraints and the decisions MP's make on the NHS is to see how it works in real time. It would offer an invaluable insight to the people who seem to make decisions based purely on reading a spread sheet. How can it be right for people who have no experience of working in the NHS or have no medical training be allowed to make decisions on how this wonderful institution is run. I'm sure they have an army of expert advisors, but following a recent visit to my local A&E I'm sorry to say the NHS is broken. Until these people see how it works from a personal point of view they have no chance of fixing it. If you are happy to see the NHS fall into a deep dark hole never to be seen again. Just sit back and watch. Should you wish to give the Government a kick up the backside and take some action, please sign this petition. It must be better than doing nothing!
Thank you for taking the time.
Chris Hirst.

United Kingdom

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2017-12-21 15:13:55 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-08-13 16:14:28 +0100

10 signatures reached