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To: Dept Business Innovation and skills.

Who makes the profit on goods that we buy?

Much in the same way as ingredients are clearly listed on products, supermarkets should be made to list the components making up the retail price e.g what is paid to the producer, distribution costs, further costs such as packaging, margin made by the supermarket (plus others if that is necessary).

Why is this important?

While I applaud Morrisons' move on milk, I think there is a better way of dealing with the pricing of all products.

Only then will we see who is making how much money and for what. We can then judge whether we buy a product.

This would also work for "ethically sourced" and Fair Trade products - we, the consumers, will decide not the seller.



2015-08-15 22:58:50 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-08-12 14:19:43 +0100

10 signatures reached