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To: George Osborne

Working parents being punished by Tax Credits slash

Realise that most services - schools, hospitals, transport, etc are ran by working parents. Imagine the impact on England's economy if we all decided to stay home for one day and be parents instead of working parents, in protest at the unfair cuts on working parents tax credits. Rethink this harsh change, do not cut tax credits for working parents and our children.

Why is this important?

Many of us, having put our details into budget calculators, have been horrified to find we will be much worse off once this budget swings into action. Some of us, already struggling and on the poverty line (which has conveniently been moved by this Government) will really struggle after the cuts to tax credits for working people. The choice between heating & eating will become reality for some. For a lot of people, we work to provide a better existence for our children, and also to give them a positive role model. We are not work-shy benefit claimants, we had children and then continued to work. Giving free childcare to 2-3 year olds really doesn't help those of us with slightly older children, paying for childcare during school holidays so that we can continue working. Many services are ran by working parents. The majority of those who work in this country are parents, and the tax credits helps our family finances to be survivable. It seems so unfair that we are doing what the government wants - "Get Britain Working" - we are!! And we are also parents, who are eking out an existence with Tax Credits help, without that help there is literally no reason for us to work. Its unfair, its unjust, why punish us?? If ALL working parents chose a day next year, and ALL chose NOT to work that day, to stay home and be parents, for one day, imagine the effect that would have!! A big message, from ALL of us working parents, don't cut our tax credits. Please.



2016-02-03 00:19:16 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-10-09 20:20:13 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-08-14 07:27:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-07-15 12:37:20 +0100

10 signatures reached