Local Groups

38 Degrees Manchester

Let's build 21st Century democracy! Follow our twitter - @38degreesMCR 'Like' us on Facebook @ 38 Degrees Manchester Visit our webpage: http://38degreesmanchester.org.uk/ Meeting notes: http://38degreesmanchester.org.uk/meeting-notes/
220 Members
John Coppinger
Christine Hyde
3 Others

38 Degrees Bristol West

Our local group aims to get involved in the upcoming election and get the issues 38 Degrees members care about on the agenda - local and national! Feel free to get involved! You can find more about us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/38degreesbristol/
106 Members
Alison Allan
don jones

38 Degrees Stroud

Our local group aims to enliven democracy and to get involved in local and national campaigns. Stroud is a very active community politically, and a local 38 Degrees group could help with: - information dissemination and action planning on specific issues (eg TTIP, NHS, fracking) - cross-feeding between different campaigns and between local and national actions - support and feedback opportunities for local organisers/changemakers
102 Members
Lizzie Fletcher
Jojo Mehta

38 Degrees Derby

Our local group aims to attract people from across Derby, to re-boot democracy and to get involved in local and national campaigns. The focus will be on issues and strengthening the community.
86 Members
Peter Robinson
Neill Grant
1 Other

38 Degrees Bath

Our local group aims to reboot democracy and to get involved in both local and national campaigns. Protect Our NHS (BANES) Bath 38 Degrees (Facebook) Bath against the Cuts (Facebook) Bath Twitter Democratic Accountability Bath Bath & surrounding area Against Fracking- BAF (Facebook) National 38 Degrees
85 Members
Huw Spanner
Barbara Gordon

38 Degrees Cambridge

Local Cambridge residents meeting to discuss and campaign on the issues that matter to them.
82 Members
James Youd
Eve Steadman

38 Degrees Belper and Amber Valley

Our local group aims to re-boot democracy and to get involved in local and national campaigns.
77 Members
Peter Robinson
Lee Burrows

38 Degrees Kensington

Our local group aims to re-boot democracy and to get involved in local and national campaigns.
76 Members

38 Degrees Skipton ...

is an independent local group, that has come together under the banner of 38 Degrees, to create a group voice, which is issue led rather than party political. We now have a blog which is acting as a diary at... http://38degreesskipton.wordpress.com We have links with Keighley 38 Degrees and share a Facebook page 38 Degrees - Airedale where we post articles about current issues - this is open to anyone to join and is a great source of information. ------------------------------------------------------ https://www.facebook.com/groups/38degreesairedale/ No meetings planned just now. Meetings usually second Sunday in the month at Choux Choux Cafe Keighley which Judith and I attend. The Keighley group is active on the NHS front and works with and supports Leeds KONP. They are also involved in Keighley's fight against an incinerator. AVAI - Aire Valley against the incinerator. Other issues are discussed and information shared. We have supported the anti fracking protest at Preston New Road. The idea for Skipton Refugee Support Group was first aired at a small 38 Degrees meeting in Skipton. This is now a large separate group.
67 Members

38 Degrees Newcastle East

Our local group aims to re-boot democracy and to get involved in local and national campaigns.
60 Members