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To: government

2019 charge retrospective taxation

Stop this retrospective taxation of hard working people who did nothing wrong but are now facing the risk of going bankrupt, due to retrospective tax. This has been sneaked through parliament without many MP's fully understanding the impact on many ordinary people.

Why is this important?

Because the media have led the public to believe this only affects the super rich pop stars and footballers etc. but this is having an impact on ordinary people, who paid their taxes according to the law at the time. the government is basically seeing an opportunity to get a massive windfall at the expense of many small businesses.

United Kingdom

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2018-05-13 05:46:07 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-04-26 00:46:33 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-04-25 17:43:12 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-04-25 15:39:51 +0100

10 signatures reached