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To: Telford and Wrekin Council

Allow wheelchair accessible vehicles into rubbish and recycling centres

We have spoken in length to our local council and have now resolved this issue.

As it stands at the moment anybody with a vehicle from 3.5 ton upwards it’s not allowed in the recycling centres and most disabled people have got wheelchair accessible vehicles which are usually over 3.5 ton so we are not allowed into the recycling centre and they will not make any exceptions for disabled people so I think the rules should be changed to allow disabled people in the recycling centre

Why is this important?

I am a wheelchair user myself and my vehicle is 3.5 ton and lately I have had a lot of rubbish and I have needed to go to the recycling centre but as the rules are in Shropshire, I cannot because my vehicle is over the weight limit.

I have recently had a phone call with Telford and Wrekin Council and I was trying to prove the point that it is discriminating against disabled people to not allow them into the recycling centres when most disabled people’s vehicles are over 3.5ton. There is such thing as an equality act, and so I believe, that means everything is meant to be equal, clearly in this case it is not equal and it is not fair that disabled people are not allowed to go to the recycling centres due to the weight of their vehicles. The weight of the vehicles is also heavily added to due to adaptations for most people due to lifts or ramps and other equipment.

As we all know disabled people such as myself would not choose to have the conditions we have, and live our lives this way.

The government and local councils do not understand how hard it is for disabled people to be as independent as possible and by taking our rubbish to a recycling centre we are able to support ourselves.

So please, please may you all support this campaign and sign this petition because like most disabled people, I need to get to the recycling plants to get rid of my rubbish.


2018-01-23 12:22:29 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-12-12 08:50:13 +0000

Petition is successful with 22 signatures

2017-11-03 20:36:19 +0000

10 signatures reached