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To: Falmouth Town Council and Cornwall Council

Ban Dangerous Pesticides in Falmouth, Cornwall

Please ban the spraying of Monsanto's Roundup and other glyphosate herbicides on our streets and parks.

Why is this important?

The use of glyphosates has already been banned or restricted in 8 countries. It is not acceptable that ourselves, our children and the animals we share our community with are being routinely exposed to these chemicals whether we like it or not.

Falmouth was recently named "The Best Place to Live" in the South West by The Sunday Times. They failed to mention the streets, parks, play areas and some of the schools are doused with health harming poison.

This is a matter of great importance for those of us who care about each other's health and the health of our children, our cats, our dogs and all the flora and fauna of this town.

If you don't live in this area, click here to start a campaign for your city:

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2016-10-03 13:06:03 +0100

September 2016: Italy became the 9th country to place a ban on Glyphosate in all public spaces.
Why is the UK government turning a blind eye to this dangerous chemical that is used in our children's spaces and at times directly outside people's front doors by our councils?

2016-07-29 15:24:20 +0100

This is the link to the WHO report.
It states Glyphosate has been re-classified as a 2A Carcinogen.
This chemical which now "Probably Causes Cancer" also damages the DNA and chromosomes of those who reside near a spray area.
Evidence of a link to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is also apparent.
As testing on human beings is not ethical, the evidence is "limited" due to being based on the medical files of humans and animal testing.

2016-07-15 16:49:49 +0100

I watched a homeless man in Falmouth today.
People were busying past him, getting on with their lives and not giving him a second glance.
Please stop for a moment and consider the homeless.
While they sit in doorways and lie on streets, council workers apply toxic weedkiller around them.
They have nowhere to go, nowhere to escape to.
This chemical is associated with kidney and liver damage, and is a probable carcinogen.
Once patented as an antibiotic, glyphosate also affects the human gastrointestinal tract.

Please take a moment to write to your MP, stating you don't want toxic glyphosate used in public spaces.

The MP for Falmouth & Truro is Sarah Newton. Her email is: [email protected]

If you wish to call Falmouth Town Council and complain directly, the number is 01326 315559
Please keep spreading the word and sharing the petition.
The more signatures we collect, the louder our voice will be.

2016-06-09 17:18:20 +0100

If you haven't noticed already, Falmouth has been relatively doused in glyphosate the last couple of weeks. It's not just the streets and verges getting spritzed, spray evidence is now outside peoples homes, near the beaches, outside the doctors surgeries, outside and inside the grounds of some schools.
It's hard to find anywhere that's not been sprayed.
If you've noticed any breathing issues lately, please notify your doctor and let them know that glyphosate is being sprayed everywhere. Remember this chemical is BANNED in many countries.
If you wish to call Falmouth Town Council and complain directly, the number is 01326 315559
Please keep spreading the word and sharing the petition.
The more signatures we collect, the louder our voice will be.

2016-05-13 22:07:25 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-05-11 19:33:44 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-05-11 18:54:01 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-05-11 18:45:47 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-05-01 10:04:26 +0100

10 signatures reached