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To: Nick Gibb MP, Minister for Equalities

Ban the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements by Employers who have breached The Equalities Act

Stop employers from using Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA's)to cover up poor working practices that result in breaches of The Equalities Act.

I have to raise this petition anonymously, because I have signed 3 NDA's in the last 5 years due to disability discrimination. I lost my job each time due other peoples mistakes, mis-held beliefs and outright refusal to comply with the law.

Why is this important?

The Government want to get 1 million disabled people back in to work, but we as a community face bullying and harassment that is routinely covered up and victims gagged. I was bullied repeatedly and then bullied again to take the deal - threatened with no reference if I don't.

I need to work, want to work and am very capable. British businesses have been negligent in my case and have paid me more than £100k to not go to tribunal. With no reference and a family to support, I had no choice but to take the deal, and nothing has changed.

Settlement agreements have their place in business, but should not be used to gag victims of a crime. Employment tribunals should be available to hear these case and 'educate' businesses as best they can. NDA's are a cover-up, a way for a business to protect it's image and limit the damage. The human impact for me is so much greater, money can't fix it for me.


2018-03-27 04:59:33 +0100

10 signatures reached