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To: Scottish Government

Ban the use of wild animal in circuses

Please ban the use of wild animals in circuses and stop this cruel practice from happening here in Scotland.

Why is this important?

Wild animals, like lions and tigers, are not meant to live their lives travelling from place to place in small cages, only to be then forced to train for the next circus performance. They deserve to live in much better conditions.

Eighteen countries have already banned the use of wild animals in circuses. It's possible for circus organisers to put on an exciting performance without involving wild animals.

Polls have shown that Scottish people overwhelmingly support this ban, so it's time for the Scottish Government to put the ban in place.

The Scottish Government is currently in consultation to pass this into law. We hope to collect as many signatures as possible. That way we can submit our petition as evidence that the Scottish people care about this cause, and force this bill through.

You can read more about the bill here:

We will be submitting our petition as evidence here:


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2017-05-31 13:29:49 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2017-05-30 23:13:05 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-05-30 19:17:09 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-05-30 19:10:04 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-05-30 19:06:17 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-05-30 19:04:42 +0100

10 signatures reached