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Bring back legal aid for family law. Our rights to a fair justice system

Bring back legal aid for family law and Introduce or amend laws which properly protect innocent people from the damage caused by being falsely accused

Why is this important?

It's diabolical that legal aid has been removed from family law.
Parents all over the country are not getting a fair hearing and through lack of knowledge and unfair rules they are having to be litigants
in person.

United Kingdom

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2018-02-16 00:50:10 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-03-31 14:14:21 +0100

This is unjust criminals get legal aid when they are accused to be able to defend accusations against them there is no difference between family court statements or reports of being accused the only difference is family court is secret we are all entitled to a defence

2017-03-31 07:46:09 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-03-30 18:42:44 +0100

10 signatures reached