To: The Government

Bring back drinking Water Fountains into the Capital

I would like to see the government repair existing water fountains, reinstall fountains where they once were and make new water fountains readily available to all citizens across London. My idea would be for the government to commission different artists to design each new individual water fountain so London can showcase it's artistic talent to the world, everyone in London gets access to free drinking water in public and hopefully this will lead to less plastic water bottles ending up in landfill or the sea which we all know is bad for the environment by now.

Why is this important?

They used to have them all over London from what I understand which must have been so useful and now they seem to have almost all vanished. This is important to me as a surfer I often find myself surfing next to plastic water bottle waste which causes massive destruction to the marine life and of course uses up precious finite resources. Watching this video on the journey of a plastic spoon ( also highlighted to me the absurdity of using a one use plastic water bottle.


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