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To: South Lakeland District Council

Clean Air for Ulverston

Make Ulverston town centre traffic-free and introduce a 20mph limit on all the town's roads.

Why is this important?

Traffic fumes kill more than 20 times more people than road accidents (40,000 compared to fewer than 1,800) and damage health - including children's lungs.
Research says making streets traffic-free can increase footfall and trade by up to 40 per cent. That and a 20mph limit would make the town a healthier and more pleasant place to live.


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2018-04-06 17:37:39 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-04-02 14:41:27 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-04-01 15:31:40 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-04-01 13:50:55 +0100

10 signatures reached