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To: Highland Council & Scottish Government AGAIN (since 2023 golf plans are similar to previously and developer is the same)

Save Coul Links protected nature (Loch Fleet Ramsar SSSI & SPA) from golf development vandalism

Prevent precious and beautiful wild dune habitats from being turned into a golf course.

Why is this important?

A planning application was submitted to Highland Council to construct an 18-hole international golf course on Coul Links, Sutherland but the applicant is not Trump Golf. The target lies within Loch Fleet Site of Special Scientific Interest, Special Protection Area for birds & international Ramsar wetland, which is predominantly estuary. Coul Links is one of very few expanses of undeveloped & largely unspoilt sand dunes remaining in Scotland, & its special wildlife & landforms are protected by those UK & European legal designations & international treaty. Development would be at odds with Highland Council’s environmental policies.

The government’s conservation agency, which objected, describes SSSIs as “areas of land & water that Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) considers to best represent our natural heritage - its diversity of plants, animals & habitats, rocks & landforms, or a combination of such natural features. They are the essential building blocks of Scotland's protected areas for nature conservation … It is an offence for any person to intentionally or recklessly damage the protected natural features of an SSSI."

Trump got official approval to destroy Foveran Links SSSI after exaggerating economic benefits, much shenanigans & Scottish Government intervention. That site will probably be denotified as SSSI (confirmed Dec 2020). The present speculator is Coul Links Ltd. led by Mike Keiser, President of Bandon Dunes Golf Resort, Oregon, Trump Golf’s main global rival, & entrepreneur Todd Warnock who similarly claims 'I can make this environment better'.

From Oct 2015, press articles publicised proposals for the golf course. Developers blithely spoke of perceived advantages to golf & economy, ignored conservation designations but mentioned new nature trails & wildlife ‘information’. Development propaganda has not informed the public what wildlife, habitat, landforms & amenity will be destroyed & degraded. Exhibitions in Aug 2016 & Oct 2017, to elicit public votes of support, paid scant attention to wildlife & presented flawed ecology. The former relegated a habitat survey to just a tiny cryptic map at Scottie dog eye level. The less truth people know the less insensitive the plans appear.

Golf course construction would be an unnatural catastrophe. It would mean excavating, recontouring, burying wet slacks, reseeding with introduced grasses, addition of plastic membranes, irrigating & intensively mowing 40.5 ha, habitat fragmentation, under-grazing & eradication of (valuable grazers & browsers) rabbits & deer, fertilising & herbiciding (& run-off), with substantial collateral damage, immediate & insidious, & bulk habitat & species translocation of 4.5 ha. dune heath, with insects & rare lichens, & 100 rare dune juniper, with displacements on receptor areas, contrary to government's 'A Habitats Translocation Policy for Britain' (2003) recently relaxed.

Size & connectivity of habitats are ecologically critical, affecting species populations, diversity, interaction & survivability. Construction traffic, borrow pits & sand-moving would disturb & damage the geomorphology, hydrology (water quality & seasonality), low-nutrient profiles (on which plants rely) & habitat biodiversity over a much wider area. Fine irregular patterns of topography, micro-habitats & vegetation mosaics, like dry hummocks & wet slacks, would be destroyed, displacing specialised, scarce, rare & vulnerable plants & insects. Human disturbance would reduce bird populations in surviving habitats.

Dunes naturally have cycles of erosion & deposition. Plans include greens & fairways constructed near foredune crests & a burn outlet, eliminating important species & weakening natural sea defences regardless of risks. This would probably necessitate adding a culvert & an artificial expanse of boulder rip rap, leading to beach narrowing (part National Nature Reserve) & coastal erosion nearby, the judgement of leading geomorphologist Dr Jim Hansom of Glasgow University.

Compromise from 'invasive' species, the result of management neglect & rejected SNH grant aid (£230,000 since 2010), & regenerating North American lodgepole pines (misidentified by golf's ecologists as Scots pines), is being grossly exaggerated to excuse 'remediating' so much natural vegetation with manicured mediocrity. Naturalness is a key criterion in SSSI selection. Bracken, gorse, tall herbs & rank grassland support more wildlife than lawns: Fonseca's seed-fly, thought endemic to Sutherland dunes, requires 'weeds'. Claims about biodiversity net gain from moving fragile habitats & species, controlling Scots Pine, rare & native at Coul, & cessation of duck shooting are ludicrous.

Threatened habitats outside the SSSI, in a golf 'remediation' area, are of comparable biodiversity, including Fonseca's Seed-fly, Baltic Rush, Rough Horsetail, Moonwort, Skullcap, Butterwort, Fragrant, Frog & Creeping Lady's-tresses Orchids, Small Blue butterfly & plants at their northern UK limits, like Restharrow & abundant Rock-rose, the food-plant of scarce Northern Brown Argus butterfly.

The developers talk of 'sensitivity', 'minimalism', ‘naturalness’, 'utmost care' & the high repute of its designers, but Oregon track record conflicts:

Leading dune ecologist Dr Tom Dargie describes the developer’s surveys & Environmental Statement as ‘unfit for purpose’. He judges the site worthy of (European) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) status, which would have prevented such development being considered.

There is a superfluity of coastal golf courses in Scotland, many undersubscribed, some closing, mostly eroding. The environmentally responsible option is to avoid development within such special, rare & fragile habitats.

How it will be delivered

Petition was delivered to Highland Council Dec 2017 & May 2018. Councillors (except 1.5) voted to approve application. Scottish Government rejected it in Feb 2020 after Inquiry. Then a similar planning Screening Request surfaced in July 2020, becoming a full application in February 2023, so TWO PETITIONS will be submitted to Highland ePlanning, including

Loch Fleet, United Kingdom

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2018-05-11 10:03:38 +0100
Mayor Schamehorn of Bandon, Oregon: "Concerns that people have now will be gone once the course is developed ... He does everything first class and in a very environmentally friendly way. Mike Keiser is good for the economy and good for the environment.”

The Scottish Natural Heritage objection's figure for direct loss of SSSI habitats is not 34.6 acres but 16.4 hectares or over 40.5 acres. The proposed dune habitat loss outside the SSSI, on land of similar ecological importance, tends to be written off, even without taking account of the long-term effects of weakened coastal flood defences and golf management.
Cameron La Follette is a lady, although referred to as 'he'.

Bandon, Oregon news:

2018-04-22 12:21:07 +0100
NB 'gold course' Freudian slip.
'Dornoch Area Community Council chairwoman Yvonne Ross said that, to date, the community council “has not had one phone call, e-mail or letter from any members of the public”'.
Announcement of October 2017 shows that community groups & others had already made up their minds based on developer's influence & dodgy ecology:
(NB development PR is now handled by
DACC contact details for locals:
Minutes provided on request include March 2018:
"Todd Warnock is looking for support from the Community Council for an advertising campaign & has asked for permission to use our logo. This has been checked with Planning & they have no concerns in us giving support in this way."
Andrew Weston (Ecological Surveyor)

2018-04-19 12:02:26 +0100

Internet search for 'Coul Links' still tells untruths:

"Coul Links: supported by the community| Dornoch and Embo/Coul Links is a fantastic opportunity to boost the local economy and protect a wonderful site. The local community supports Coul Links." Coul Links Limited

PETITION SIGNATURE DEMOGRAPHICS on 22 December 2017 by postcode:
SCOTLAND: AB 1,575; DD 857; DG 581; EH 4,035; FK 802; G 3,195; HS 76; IV 1,820; KA 873;
KW 342; KY 1,166; ML 636; PA 950; PH 863; TD 437; ZE 99.
TOTAL ENGLAND, WALES & NI (+mistypes): 68,479
TOTAL UK: 86,786.

IV=Inverness (including Dornoch & Embo); KW=Kirkwall (including Golspie).

A more detailed analysis of postcodes shows that Highland Council region signatories against Coul Links golf development were 1,965 on 22 Dec 2017.


2018-04-03 18:07:02 +0100

Excellent downloadable PODCAST (28 minutes):
'Dunes into Bunkers' ~ BBC Radio 4 'Costing The Earth'
Tuesday 3 April 15:30 & Wednesday 4 April 21:00
Peter Gibbs (meteorologist) investigates the environmental impact of Trump's golf development on 'protected' dunes at Menie and the controversy over the proposed new course at Coul Links.

Radio 4 Pick of the Week (episode available until 8 May: drag slider to 13:25):

NB Dornoch Courthouse was not derelict as described. I don't criticise what has been achieved for business & employment at the former Courthouse in Dornoch, but here is a photograph of the 'derelict' building in March 2015, before it was refurbished for a change to different uses & exterior paintwork changed to dark blue:


2018-04-02 14:41:07 +0100

Wildlife in Scotland has weaker protection against damaging developments than wildlife in England and Wales, according to emails released by the government’s conservation agency, Scottish Natural Heritage.
"The regime for safeguarding vital wetlands under the international Ramsar Convention is “stricter” south of the border says SNH, prompting fears that Scotland’s wildlife could “lose out in a race to the bottom”.

The legal framework for devolving Ramsar protected wetlands to Scotland is confusing, as they are the responsibility of Defra.

2018-03-26 10:41:13 +0100

SEPA revised response:

SEPA's response pertains mostly to land outside the SSSI, some of which is of SSSI quality, particularly dunes, springs & heath near Embo, but doesn't mention the dangers of excavating latter's Big Dune sea defence.
Northern Times article refers to this petition's signatories as being from 'across the world' but the signatures are all from UK postcodes.

2018-02-22 00:35:39 +0000

News from an associated proposed development in Nova Scotia:

2018-02-19 11:22:51 +0000

Coastal erosion prospects for Coul Links Ltd & some Fonseca's seed-fly science:

Commissioned Report No. 618
"Survey and ecology of Botanophila fonsecai ... endemic to Scotland"
© Scottish Natural Heritage 2013
'...the greater part of Coul Links was out of bounds because of landowner objection'.

Mike Keiser donation to Heartland climate change denial institute:

Aftermath of storm at Embo, December 2012, after larger overnight waves had subsided:

2018-02-07 12:50:53 +0000
Greens' John Finnie challenges government over Coul Links:
Open Championship venues such as St Andrew's and Royal Troon could be under water by the end of the century if sea levels rise even slightly as a result of climate change, according to a new report:
Climate Coalition report:

2018-02-05 23:03:11 +0000

'The Ferret' with some Freedom of Information disclosures:

2018-02-04 11:27:42 +0000

American tycoon getting cosy with Scottish Government over golf course plans - can this be happening again?

2018-01-30 10:13:52 +0000

Meanwhile a parallel controversy is brewing in Inverness County, Nova Scotia, Canada over the proposed expansion of the Cabot Links & Cliffs golf courses, a Keiser private co-enterprise, into public state-owned dunes at West Mabou Beach:
'Eco-friendly' 'recycling [of] communities':

2018-01-16 15:59:25 +0000

2018-01-09 14:28:54 +0000

Golf developers and supporters still displaying ignorance, panto-style lack of ecological nuance and cavalier attitude towards nature conservation and protection designations, like Ramsar:

Not Coul rebuttal to fake information on developer's website:

2017-12-22 00:00:09 +0000

The PETITION is STILL ACTIVE but was delivered to Highland Council ePlanning on 21 December & again late on 22 Dec deadline, when it stood at 86,786 UK signatures.
18,307 signatories are resident in Scotland & of those 1,820 (c.10%) are from the Inverness postcode & 342 from the Kirkwall postcode (mainly Caithness & Orkney). Edinburgh, Perth, Shetland and Borders postcodes had very good results relative to population size. Population analysis shows strong support in N Scotland, followed by a weighting towards more eastern postcodes. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen & Kirkcaldy postcodes led the numbers table, with respectively 4,035; 3,195; 1,575 & 1,166 signatures.
Thanks greatly for all this & continued support throughout the UK.
The applicants are still intent on development.
Andrew Weston