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To: The Prime Minister

End of the Televison Licence

Refuse to renew the Royal Charter the allows the BBC to demand everyone who owns a television set, pays a Television Licence. That they set and increase the cost of, year on year.

Why is this important?

The BBC has grown into a cash cow, for a limited number of people who don't care about the licence payer, all they are interested in is funding their lifestyles and spending our money on extravagant living expenses.The standard of programmes get lower, and the number of repeats increased exponentially year on year, while the cost increases by the same factor, It appears that everyone just dreams up a number as a salary guideline, or maybe uses their telephone number as a guide.

One thing is obvious their salary bears no relationship to their expertise or the quality of the programmes we have to watch. I know someone will say well just switch off if you don't like it. So why do I need a licence if I don't watch the channel, would be the logical answer. I am fed up being over charged for the service I received, by these people who obviously just don't care. They need to link their earnings to the success of their programmes which will be decided by the number of viewers, which in turn is linked to the standard of their programmes, and not an enormous fixed income, irrespective of programmes that are rubbish, or repeats, and left wing biased opinion programmes they churn out annually. They need to be unbiased and entertaining, when they seem to be saying, let's have a meeting and decide how will we squander all the money we get, after showing ten year old shows, again for the fourth time. If you want to, you can see all these repeats on Freeview, the key word here being FREE.

I certainly don't want to pay over £140 a year to see them again, when they publish figures of £2 000,000 a year on taxi services for executives and stars, I have to pay to get to and from work and if I were getting thousands of pounds a week the cost of a taxi wouldn't be a problem, because that's what they are doing going to work, just like the rest of the population. All these people are contractors and can claim back legitimate expenses, so they wouldn't be out of pocket anyway. Millions on Hotels, Taxis, Flights, Expenses and Exorbitant Salaries for Executives and Stars alike, disgusting greed that's all it is.

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2015-08-23 11:06:33 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-12-09 16:05:12 +0000

10 signatures reached