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To: Vice Chancellor Geoff Layer

End the Marking Boycott!

Dear Vice Chancellor,
We are calling for you to end the Marking Boycott. All of the students at this University, particularly third year students, will be severely affected and perhaps seriously disadvantaged if the marking boycott goes ahead. We are asking that you end it before it starts, and reach a fair agreement with the lecturers of this university with regards to pay.

Why is this important?

If this boycott goes ahead, it will mean that many third year students will suffer delays to their graduations, as well the very real possibility that they could miss out on places in graduate schemes, Masters etc.
Previous attempts at striking about pay have failed. They are willing to go without pay as they have done before in order to prove their seriousness. Our lecturers do not wish to hinder our advancements but it is something that they feel is necessary in order to achieve their goal of fair pay, and students support them in this. However it's the students that will suffer the most if this goes ahead.
You and this University have the ability to end that suffering. Please try and negotiate.
Thank You.
University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton

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2014-04-10 13:09:08 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-04-09 22:48:14 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-04-09 19:03:14 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-04-09 17:42:48 +0100

10 signatures reached