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To: HM Government Honours Commiittee

Nominate the Hillsborough campaigners for a national honour.

Give a National Honour to all members of the Hillsborough Justice Campaign.

Why is this important?

An injustice against all the 96 people who died was inflicted upon the bereaved families.

Their efforts to bring out the truth behind the deaths has been heroic, persistent and unbelievably difficult.

They deserve public recognition of their service to British justice.
Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield

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2016-04-29 01:58:49 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2016-04-28 14:48:14 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2016-04-28 13:55:46 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-04-28 12:00:40 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-28 00:15:09 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-27 14:28:23 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-04-27 13:00:09 +0100

10 signatures reached