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To: Valuation Office Agency
Free Cash Machines Tax
Free cash machines outside shops are likely to start disappearing due to a recent change in tax rules, which shop owners say means they're too expensive to run.
Cash machines operated by a third party such as a corner shop, pub or supermarket are now seen as a separate business and taxed accordingly, thanks to a move by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).
Cash machines operated by a third party such as a corner shop, pub or supermarket are now seen as a separate business and taxed accordingly, thanks to a move by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).
Why is this important?
Banks are closing branches and moving online. Older people, people without transport or in rural communities may struggle to get to a bank branch where they can make free cash withdrawals. This isn't a tax on 3rd party (non-bank) businesses, it's a tax on the disadvantaged, the elderly (both of which still prefer cash) and rural communities.