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To: ATMedics - NHS England - Clinical Commissioning Groups

Give us back our surgeries

We want a first class medical service we deserve.
We want ATMedics to give the service our service users need.
We want the Saturday opening adhered to.
We want patients to be informed about prescription changes by the doctor and not left being informed by the pharmacy.
We want more doctors so we can keep appointment times down.
We want referrals being made and patients not having to pay for this to be done privately.

Why is this important?

Because patents are getting bad service.
Referrals aren't being made.
Prescription changes being noticed at the pharmacy.
False advertisement of opening times.

London Borough of Croydon

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2017-12-01 12:07:46 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-06-06 08:59:12 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-05 22:54:42 +0100

10 signatures reached