8 years ago
For those wanting to make donations for Calais, Hastings Supports Refugees will be holding a donation drop-off this Saturday 22 October in near Debenhams in Hastings Town Centre, 11am - 2pm. We'll also be collecting for the local food bank. https://www.facebook.com/events/1273998905955558/
For Calais, we need the following:
Tinned tomatoes
Tinned chick peas
Tinned kidney beans
Tinned tuna
UHT milk
The Food Bank lists these urgenty needed items:
Tinned fruit
UHT milk (1 litre)
Fruit Juice
Tinned Vegetables
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Sponge Puddings
Instant Mash Potato
Dog & Cat Food
Toiletries (Toilet Rolls, Shower Gel, Tooth paste, Tooth brushes etc)