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To: The Department of Works and Pensions.

Increase Britain's State pension in line with British prosperity or inflation whichever the higher.

We the undersigned, know that with this country's real wealth we can afford a decent State Pension for our elderly people, particularly in a country that reports to live by a set of civilised values.
The State Pension should be substantially increased for today's pensioners and directly linked to national prosperity. This is what National Insurance contributions are for.
Pensioners should be not have to endure means testing for miserly handouts after paying into the system all their working lives.

Why is this important?

Its important because our elderly people should be able to live in dignity in their old age, and not have to endure means testing for State handouts.

Tony Blair's New Labour Government in 1997 did not reverse Margaret Thatcher's 1980 State pensions policy.




2015-01-09 03:18:43 +0000

10 signatures reached