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To: Bolton Council

Keep Kearsley Children’s Centre From Closure!

To keep the Kearsley Childrens Centre open for all parents, baby’s & children.

Why is this important?

There is lack of children's early learning services in Kearsley. This Childrens Centre has been revamped and is in a perfect location for many people from farnworth , kearsley , Clifton & so on. As a disabled parent this Centre is a perfect location, not only that having that comfort from going to the centre for a while & then changing to another location and closing this one down makes it much more awkward.KEARSLEY also needs a nursery school. At present it's at Lord Street and as stated previously parents cannot be at two locations at the same time. Lord Street and St Stephens/Spindle Point.
The other Kearsley nursery is Kearsley West, but they don't accept early ages.
So my question?
Why does Kearsley not have a council nursery for pre school children?
Also if the council are to revamp the centre in Farnworth why?
Why can't people travel to Kearsley to a purposed built centre which had already been revamped? Why waste even more money on a building when you already have a perfectly revamped and neutral positioned Childrens Centre to then close it?
Birch Road Centre was to be built and opened for a short time and then closed.

Let’s Keep Kearsley Childrens Centre Open, Sign This Petition & Make A Difference.
Kearsley Childrens Centre, Springfield Road, Kearsley, Bolton

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2018-09-07 05:10:27 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-09-06 18:14:51 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-09-06 13:58:29 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-09-06 07:06:29 +0100

10 signatures reached