500 signatures reached

Following the granting of exploratory licences for unconventional shale gas in penistone and stocksbridge , we the undersigned oppose the prospect of fracking in penistone and stocksbridge and call upon Angela Smith to call for a ban on fracking in our area.
Why is this important?
We are concerned that fracking could
Contaminate our water supply
Pollute the air with hazardous chemicals
Cause earthquakes
Reduce the value of our homes
Increase our insurance premiums
Make our roads less safe by increasing heavy traffic
Leak methane which is a potent greenhouse gas 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide
Cause illness in the local population
Increase noise and light pollution from drilling operations and traffic movement
Cause industrialisation of countryside and adversley affect wildlife corridors
Adversely effect local tourism and agriculture
Fracking is bad for our environment, bad for our communities and we call upon Angela Smith MP to support our campaign for a ban on fracking in our area.
Contaminate our water supply
Pollute the air with hazardous chemicals
Cause earthquakes
Reduce the value of our homes
Increase our insurance premiums
Make our roads less safe by increasing heavy traffic
Leak methane which is a potent greenhouse gas 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide
Cause illness in the local population
Increase noise and light pollution from drilling operations and traffic movement
Cause industrialisation of countryside and adversley affect wildlife corridors
Adversely effect local tourism and agriculture
Fracking is bad for our environment, bad for our communities and we call upon Angela Smith MP to support our campaign for a ban on fracking in our area.
How it will be delivered
In person