100 signatures reached
To: Millbrook Parish Council
Leave our Wild Community Verges in Millbrook to Flourish

Leave the area of grass along the new road verge, at least one meter from the fence line, to be left uncut and 'wild' for the benefit of local wildlife, flora, fauna, pollinators and as an educational resource for local children.
The Parish Council have voted to mow/cut this area down without sufficient good reason and despite a majority community vote in favour of leaving it uncut for wildlife. The Chair, Mr Don Wood, had the deciding vote in this matter, where the council vote was split 50/50 on the issue in May's Parish Council meeting - and voted in favour of cutting. We wish to see this decision revised.
The Parish Council have voted to mow/cut this area down without sufficient good reason and despite a majority community vote in favour of leaving it uncut for wildlife. The Chair, Mr Don Wood, had the deciding vote in this matter, where the council vote was split 50/50 on the issue in May's Parish Council meeting - and voted in favour of cutting. We wish to see this decision revised.
Why is this important?
We need far more spaces for bees to breed and forage - instead of destroying their habitats, how about some serious Millbrook bee care! Many in our community take joy in the grasses, wild flowers and wildlife that are increasing here by the year. Red clover, self heal, violets, kidney vetch, cow parsley, silverweed, forget-me-nots, buttercups, daisys, dandelions and even cuckoo flower (lady’s smock) love the dampish grasses along the fence line! Leaving it un-cut does not cause obstruction with sight-line to traffic, dogs must be on leads here, so no dog mess and I've never seen it with any rubbish! What I do see is a fantastic educational resource for our children, a place of bees, butterflies and sloe worms - and a big buzzard that lives in the trees above! DON'T DESTROY THEIR HABITAT!