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To: Parliament

Local councils must stop confiscating homeless people's possessions

I want parliament to put policies in place to protect our homeless people and give them back their human rights. I want parliament to make it illegal for local authorities and councils to take away sleeping bags, tents and other belongings. People living on the streets deserve to be protected and helped not vilified and prosecuted simply for being some of the most vulnerable people in society, many with mental health and addiction issues.
After a 66 year old homeless man passed away in a car park recently after having his sleeping bag taken from him by Bournemouth Council, enough is enough. This MUST be stopped. NOW!

Why is this important?

Homelessness is an issue that can affect any one of us. It is getting worse and more needs to be done both nationally and locally. However, people living on the streets deserve to be treated with compassion, understanding and empathy and they most certainly DO NOT deserve to be demonised, vilified, persecuted or mistreated.


2018-01-25 00:38:56 +0000

25 signatures reached

2018-01-24 11:41:57 +0000

10 signatures reached