1,000 signatures reached
To: The Mayor of London and Wandsworth Council
London: Sheikh's super-car park or affordable housing?

Build affordable housing in Wandsworth, not a car park for the ruler of Dubai.
Why is this important?
Wandsworth Council have approved an application by the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum to build a six-story car park in Battersea for over a hundred luxury cars. At a time when the need for affordable housing has never been more urgent and pollution levels in London are making headlines, we ask that you overturn this decision and make a powerful, symbolic statement which shows that you really care about London.
There is an urgent need for affordable housing in the UK, particularly in central London. You have a golden opportunity to make a meaningful statement. Rather than encouraging pollution, obscene riches and the exacerbation of extreme social inequality in central London, you have a superb opportunity to highlight the urgent need for more social housing and move London in a positive direction by publicly rejecting Wandsworth's decision.
Homes for hundreds of Londoners, or hundreds of cars for one billionaire? Boris, this is a real chance for you to prove to us that you care.
There is an urgent need for affordable housing in the UK, particularly in central London. You have a golden opportunity to make a meaningful statement. Rather than encouraging pollution, obscene riches and the exacerbation of extreme social inequality in central London, you have a superb opportunity to highlight the urgent need for more social housing and move London in a positive direction by publicly rejecting Wandsworth's decision.
Homes for hundreds of Londoners, or hundreds of cars for one billionaire? Boris, this is a real chance for you to prove to us that you care.
How it will be delivered
In person.