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To: Liverpool City Region combined Authority

Merseyside will not implement any further cuts

This campaign has ended.

Refuse to participate in any future cuts
Seek support from this Committee to make a stand against this Government in refusing to implement any further Cuts across Merseyside.

Seek support from member Authorities Cabinet to refuse to implement any future cuts from 2016/17 Budgets and beyond.

Seek support from member Authorities Full Council to refuse to implement any cuts from 2016/2017 Budgets and beyond.

Seek support from Unions across Merseyside who play a strong role in bringing members together to stand United opposed to cuts.

Seek support from the 1.5million Residents of Merseyside who are suffering from these cuts..

Call a Mass day of action of Support in Liverpool.

Why is this important?

I want Merseyside to make a stand against Goverment cuts disguised as Austerity.

Millions of pounds have been slashed from council budgets by central government, thousands of jobs have been lost and services affected. Local government in the North West has been hit harder by spending cuts than any other region in England. The government points out that we will still get far more funding cuts over the next 5years. So far it's estimated North West councils have had their budgets reduced by a third since the general election.Merseyside as a City Region has seen cuts over £1billion.
We cannot accept 'Cuts' as a means to progress.

How it will be delivered

By hand


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2015-09-19 14:44:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-09-19 10:11:13 +0100

10 signatures reached