To: National Trust
National Trust Board of Trustees to consider their positions.

We the undersigned want the board of Trustees at the National Trust to consider their positions over their support for hunting wild mammals with dogs.
Why is this important?
The board no longer represents the views of it's members, or the public on hunting. Trail hunting does not exist and was created to exploit loopholes in the Hunting Act.
All of the hunts involved have vowed to continue hunting, and habitually go hunting without trails being laid with a pack of dogs trained to kill Foxes. They could easily convert to drag hunting if they wished to avoid killing animals, instead they go armed with terrier-men whose only purpose is to dig out animals that are hiding in fear of their lives.
Despite banning terrier-men on National Trust land, the hunts still regularly go out to kill animals with no evidence of a trail being laid, and the National Trust do nothing to monitor the activity that they licence, instead answering their members concerns with disingenuous copy and paste answers, and all of this after they used their block vote to override the members wishes.
Enough is enough, it is time for them to go!
All of the hunts involved have vowed to continue hunting, and habitually go hunting without trails being laid with a pack of dogs trained to kill Foxes. They could easily convert to drag hunting if they wished to avoid killing animals, instead they go armed with terrier-men whose only purpose is to dig out animals that are hiding in fear of their lives.
Despite banning terrier-men on National Trust land, the hunts still regularly go out to kill animals with no evidence of a trail being laid, and the National Trust do nothing to monitor the activity that they licence, instead answering their members concerns with disingenuous copy and paste answers, and all of this after they used their block vote to override the members wishes.
Enough is enough, it is time for them to go!