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To: Councillor Jas Athwal Leader of Redbridge Council

No gravel extraction haul road through Fairlop Waters Country Park

Lunch time on the 22nd November Jenny Chalmers and I had a site meeting with Councillor John Howard one of the Ward Councillors and Councillor Jas Athwal Leader of Redbridge Council, both councillors were very receptive to the Haul Road cause noting the terrible loss of habitat in the Country Park area and the potential effects on protected wildlife. Cllr Athwal stated that he was going to discuss the situation with senior officers of the Council.

In the evening we had the deputation booked for the full Council Meeting at Ilford Town Hall six of us took to the Council Chamber floor where Jenny gave the deputation address, fitting in all the main points within the allocated two minutes. A series of question and answers followed from the assembled Councillors when finally Cllr Athwal asked the final question “My question is, if we move the haul road to the area that you suggested, would that meet your requirements?” I replied “It is a compromise, from our perspective that is the least evil route.” Cllr Athwal replied “Done!” There were smiles from the assembled Councillors and jubilation from the supporters that braved the cold night to be in the gallery.

So we have done it, people power has won the day for nature conservation. So thank you all for your support I don't think we could of done it without you!

The local Recorder newspapers website has coverage if you wish to read more at

We appeal to the Leader of Redbridge Council to ensure that the haul road from Area E (Aldborough Hatch Farm) is routed through open land and not the Local Nature Reserve in Fairlop Waters Country Park.

Why is this important?

This is an important area for the biodiversity of the Country Park and if it goes ahead will disrupt a long eared owl roost, an area for amphibians (Including great crested newt) and reptiles, and not so common birds on passage such as spotted flycatchers, wheatears, redstarts, winchat etc.

We have just found recent evidence of badgers in the area with one definite sett further up the haul road route and one potential sett on the disputed section of land in the country park. This is an important species to find on Fairlop Plain as up till now was thought to have been totally lost to the area. There is also quite a bit of bat activity along the strip though species are currently unknown as only seen on remote trail cams for badger monitoring.

As well as being disruptive to users of the country parks bridleways and footpaths especially the crossing point from Aldborough Hall Equestrian Centre, we expect dust generated from the road surface to also be a health issue. Lorries will potentially be travelling along the road in both directions at up to 3.5 minute intervals.

We believe that this haul road is divisive to the community and cannot be accepted by those that care about the natural environment of Redbridge and the protected species whose habitat would be destroyed forever.
East, London, UK

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2018-11-24 18:16:42 +0000

Petition is successful with 2,386 signatures

2018-09-28 23:54:45 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2018-09-24 20:21:36 +0100

500 signatures reached

2018-09-04 08:42:08 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-09-01 12:27:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-08-31 20:33:23 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-08-31 17:29:28 +0100

10 signatures reached