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To: Welsh Government

No Mother and baby unit in Wales

There is no mother and baby unit in the whole of Wales.

We want the government to Open the unit again and invest in perinatal mental health services in Wales.

Why is this important?

When mothers who are suffering need specialist perinatal mental health staff. Also the bonding and attachment with the mother is so important.

The knock on effects of this illness is splitting families up and having huge effects on the next generation. The new report by MMHA says it will save the country money if the services was in place. Wales is 70 per cent lacking in support and families need help today.

Read more here:

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2016-09-02 16:02:45 +0100

Come on people...almost there!! Recovery Mummy will be on Queen Street, Cardiff tomorrow outside Starbucks...if you see us please say hi!! Lots of love to all our supporters...Charlotte Harding xx

2015-03-25 23:09:53 +0000

10,000 signatures reached

2015-02-16 21:23:13 +0000

5,000 signatures reached

2015-01-15 16:31:24 +0000

We are heading towards the 10,000 that would be a great target to meet.. We are standing at the Welsh Assembly on 24th April with this petition and will be standing outside campaigning from 9-1pm..Please email me if you can attend... Police are totally aware of our campaign.. Thanks for all your support Mark Williams founder of Fathers Reaching Out

2015-01-15 16:28:48 +0000

2014-12-19 13:48:20 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2014-12-17 16:47:57 +0000

Just want to say a big thank you all that have signed.. We are having growing support from organisation who feels the same. We are now 891 and only 9 day has gone and haven't been out on the streets yet.. We will be delivering this petition on 24th April outside the Welsh Assembly and all are welcome to join us. Thanks Mark Williams

2014-12-14 09:55:02 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-12-08 18:16:04 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-12-08 07:20:55 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-12-07 20:17:50 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-12-07 19:14:58 +0000

10 signatures reached