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To: Scottish minister for health and social care

Pay nursing assistants in Scotland the living wage in the private sector

Consider the exemplary work this group of individuals undertake on behalf of our most vulnerable group of people and ensure that (a) training is mandatory for this group with regards to dignity and personal care

Why is this important?

Many problems in social care in and around private sector centre around the failures of organisations to recruit and train staff appropriately. The dementia strategy is only one element of ensuring care is appropriate in both hospital and community settings, and that patients are treated with respect and the dignity they deserve. Not withstanding the fact that most of these services are purchased on behalf of either NHS scotland and local authorities and the majority of staff working in the care industry are often:
(1) women
(2) have unpaid caring commitments such as children or elderly relatives themselves
(c) in poverty despite being in work
(4) part time.

Surely the large city councils in Scotland despite the squeeze on the public purse and NHS when commissioning should ensure that as part of the arms length approach to nursing and social care that staff are paid a living wage.
This industry has large recruitment issues such as high turnover, and if companies paid the living wage it perhaps would go some way to address this and ensure adequate staffing with the appropriate knowledge and skills are employed. Most companies in the private sector do not recognise that the staff that are employed on basic salary despite giving up weekends and working unsocial hours with the only recognition of this fact being on 8 public holidays a year where staff are paid an unsocial hrs bonus and also a high number are on zero contracts.

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2015-09-19 11:23:56 +0100

10 signatures reached