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To: BBC - STV - ITV - SKY - YouTube

Political Debates 2015 - All Parties Large and Small

We the public demand that all parties are allowed to join the 2015 political debates and not just those that have been announced by the the media!

Why is this important?

In a country that is supposed to be democratic with a media that is supposed to be unbiased it is yet again being wholly biased with its 2015 debates.

Asking the usual suspects and then inviting Nigel Farage whilst leaving out other parties is undemocratic and unfair on the electorate who want to hear all parties views and policies so they can make a fair and informed decision on who they want to run their country!
: SNP who are now the United Kingdoms third largest political party 80,000 + and rising
: Greens who are a bigger party than UKIP
To name just three who deserve the right to be heard equally in the media debates or are the media and the parties invited afraid of the impact that will have in the actual polling stations on the day?

We as an electorate demand that all parties are heard equally in the debates in 2015

How it will be delivered

Email and possibly stage a press conference


2014-11-03 14:38:42 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-10-13 16:57:34 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-10-13 15:09:45 +0100

10 signatures reached