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To: Michelle Donelan MP for Bradford on Avon

Prevent the closure of the Children's Centre in Bradford on Avon.

Stop the closure of Children's Centre instead Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. We ask the Michelle Donelan to support the campaign to prevent the closure of the Bradford on Avon, Children's centre. Because Wiltshire Council view Bradford on Avon as not a priority area, it's Children's Centre opened in 2006 has been selected for closure. This would directly impact on the 81% of under 5's in the area that use this Centre, by limiting access to and the availability of the crucial services and support the centre currently provides. Such as parenting classes, ante-natal classes, activity days and baby health clinics.

Why is this important?

Wiltshire Council proposes to close half of the 30 registered Children's Centre's in Wiltshire by July 2016, due to a reduction in central government funding. The Bradford on Avon Centre directly benefits 81% of the estimated 798 under 5's in area. Services provided by these Centre's play a key role in supporting good early child development and school readiness, helping parents in the crucial early years of a child's life and improving child and family health.

Bradford on Avon Community Children’s Centre received high praise in its 2013 Ofsted Inspection with special recognition given to the way it promotes children’s physical, mental and emotional health. It was awarded good overall with the highest possible rating of ‘Outstanding’ for the ‘exceptional’ quality of care, guidance and support it offers local families.

Please stop its closure.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be forwarded to Michelle Donelan at the beginning of December.


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2015-12-10 13:47:52 +0000

This is the agenda for the meeting on 15th - please read before attendance and come prepared with your comments - lets make a difference and help keep these vital services. Under section 6 they propose to keep the sensory room accessible - however this has not been confirmed with the nursery owner who is looking at taking over the building and would be a safeguarding issue.

2015-12-10 13:44:31 +0000

Thank you all for your support. The petition is being presented to Michelle Donelan tomorrow and we ask that as many of you as possible attend the cabinet meeting on 15th December at 9.30am in County Hall, Trowbridge as this is when the decision on the Children's Centre closure will be made.

2015-11-23 09:56:36 +0000

We need as many signatures as possible by the beginning of December so please sign and share as much as possible before the 8th December.

2015-11-23 09:55:02 +0000

I am looking for volunteers to help gather signatures at the Bradford on Avon light switch on this Friday 27th November. Please email me [email protected] if you are able to offer any help. It would be greatly appreciated.

2015-11-18 21:52:36 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-11-18 21:10:40 +0000

Only 9 more signatures to reach 100! Please share as much as possible. I have also collected an additional 57 paper signatures - please keep going!

2015-11-13 18:08:42 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-11-12 22:24:34 +0000

I have asked for the exact figure as to how many childcare places will be provided by the closure of the BOA Children's Centre, as this is one of the proposed uses for the area after closure. They also stated the reason for closing the building is to keep staff and services but do not yet know how this can be achieved as will be leaving this up to the companies who will be tendering for the contracts in July next year.

2015-11-12 22:20:10 +0000

Attended open meeting at Trowbridge County Hall this evening as Councillor Laura Mayes (Cabinet Member for Children's Services) was in attendance to answer questions regarding children services. The section started with Laura Mayes explaining that she left her notes at home after popping back to let her dog out! Basically they could not give any exact monetary figures as to what the current cost of running the centres are and how much will be saved by the closure of 15 of the centres! We have asked for these figures to be made public.

2015-11-12 14:00:34 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-11-11 22:25:25 +0000

10 signatures reached